Banks law
In the modern world, impact on economic growth of the state of various financial institutions is difficult to overestimate.
Not just in terms of economic instability the authorities are doing everything possible to maintain the stability of the banking sector, because it’s collapse could threaten the destruction of the companies that could well face all the consequences of the crisis. Perhaps such measures seem justified, but at this point you can not just rely on ovos. The cost of failure in this matter is incredibly high. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you make the right choice and contact one of the legal advisers AK number 11 issues in banking law. Specialists Legal Firm № 11 provide a wide range of services to banks:
• Provide different aid, as well as providing for the legal and support for registration of non-bank credit organizations and banks, including the attraction of foreign investment;
• Operation and maintenance of legal support needed for the expansion of the credit institution, including through additional banking licenses, including the receipt by the license, as well as by opening new offices, branch offices, cash offices and additional offices;
• Preparation of documents and support processes registration of bonds, shares and securities convertible into shares;
• Legal and support processes such as mergers and acquisitions, including the reorganization of banks, acquiring banks with subsequent change of name and / or location;
• Analysis of the financial situation of individuals and / or entities to determine the quality of their financial status and assessment of own resources for the shares of the bank, preparing opinions on the results of the financial analysis;
• Support of all stages of the procedure of transfer of rights to shares (shares) of credit institutions;
• Assistance in obtaining the consent of the government commission on foreign investments in business entities of strategic importance (for credit institutions, licensed Russian FSB to work with state secrets, or to license to develop, manufacture and maintenance of cryptographic tools that are needed to provide banks services «Bank-Client»);
• Obtaining licenses for raising funds from individuals and, preparation of documents and legal assistance procedures for the entry of a credit institution in deposit insurance.