Opening remark

We welcome you to our website. We are one of the oldest law firms in the Moscow City Bar, sticking to the best traditions of the Russian bar.

In the world there are three types of activities, representatives of which are unconditional trust in others, regardless of their (surrounding) ethnic origin, religious affiliation and other factors. People trust their most secret and have no mysteries and secrets, when talking with a priest, a doctor and a lawyer. When communicating with these parties due to the current cultural — historical traditions and existing for a long time the laws and customs you are guaranteed a personalized, privacy, confidentiality, security, non-disclosure of the findings.

We hope that the information provided about the legal profession and the lawyer will be useful for you. Otherwise, you’re just nice to spend time reading our materials, expanding their intellectual horizons.



Kuznetsov Yu.I.

Director of a Law Firm № 11

Bar Association «Moscow City Bar Association»




Why choose us?


Best of the best.

Only the most experienced and successful lawyers can work in one of the oldest and best-known law firms in Moscow.


Thousands of won cases.

Ranging from child support disputes and ending by big oil companies cases.

